
A smile is an important component of our appearance, which is why aesthetic restorations are becoming increasingly popular among patients. With advanced technology and a professional approach, DG Dental Studio offers unparalleled quality and results in the field of aesthetic restorations.

What are aesthetic restorations? It is the process of restoring damaged or lost teeth using special materials that closely replicate their natural beauty and function. At DG Dental Studio, our team of experienced dentists knows how to create the perfect smile for each patient.


We utilize cutting-edge technology and materials. Here are just a few of them:

  • Ceramic veneers: This method involves thin ceramic shells that are applied to the front surface of the teeth. They have high translucency and a natural color, resulting in an impressive aesthetic outcome. Ceramic veneers are highly resistant to staining and wear, closely mimicking natural teeth.
  • Lumineers: These are thin ceramic layers that are applied to the front surface of the teeth. Lumineers allow for the correction of tooth shape, color, and position, creating a natural-looking smile. They are resistant to staining and wear at a slower rate compared to composite materials.
  • Intraoral scanners: Modern dental clinics use intraoral scanners for precise tooth scanning and obtaining three-dimensional models. This enables the dentist to create computerized restorative simulations and proceed with the next stages without the need for traditional impressions.


If you dream of a perfect smile, aesthetic restorations from DG Dental Studio are the right choice. We take pride in our accomplishments in the field of dentistry and are eager to help you achieve your desired outcome. Schedule a consultation right now and entrust your smile to professionals who strive to create works of art in every smile!

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